8 June 1997 15

    International chess supertournament "Novgorod the Great"

    It looks very much like someone is trying to do his utmost to discompose imperturbable Veselin Topalov. Anyway, being as always calm and friendly for Novgorodians, he appeared in the hotel room where the Director of Chess Supertournament « Novgorod the Great » Irina Kibina lives, and let her know that his luggage had disappeared . The English company «British Airways» improved the situation by delivering the luggage on the 9 the of June at 13.00 at the «Beresta Palace» hotel. Next day Veselin gave a simul on 20 chess-boards in small hall of Regional Philharmonic. This simul was announced as the play of the bulgarian grand-master against leading schoolgirls. Howevere, only two schoolgirls had come : among them Oksana Galkevich and Polina Logacheva (second class in chess). Everybody used `the lucky chance to play with Veselin, most of them are students of the chess club in Novgorod and aduit amateurs.

    Simul was finished wiith an account 17,5/2,5 to grand chess-master.

    The first draw was between Topalov and 12 years old schoolboy Victor Truschelev from Baku who came to Novgorod to participate in Open Tournament`97.

    By the way, Victor studies at school ¹ 151 were Garry Kasparov had graduated from.

    The single victory was won by Novgorodian Gely Shepelkevich (fist class in chess)

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