Novgorod State University

Round 1 / July 20th

ChessBase format and PGN (zipped) Round 1-4
Gelfand-Polgar : DRAW     TXT format
Short-Ivanchuk : DRAW    TXT format
Kramnik-Topalov : DRAW    TXT format

Round 2 / July 21th

ChessBase format and PGN (zipped) Round 1-4
Gelfand-Short : DRAW    TXT format
Ivanchuk-Kramnik : WHITE WINS    TXT format
Polgar-Topalov : WHITE RESIGNS    TXT format

Round 3 / July 22th

ChessBase format and PGN (zipped) Round 1-4
Kramnik-Gelfand : DRAW    TXT format
Short-Polgar : DRAW    TXT format
Topalov-Ivanchuk : DRAW    TXT format

Round 4 / July 23th

ChessBase format and PGN (zipped) Round 1-4
Ivanchuk-Gelfand : DRAW    TXT format
Topalov-Short : DRAW    TXT format
Kramnik-Polgar : WHITE WINS    TXT format

July 24th: rest day

Round 5 / July 25th

ChessBase format and PGN (zipped) Round 5
Gelfand-Topalov : DRAW    TXT format
Polgar-Ivanchuk : WHITE WINS    TXT format
Short-Kramnik : DRAW    TXT format

Round 6 / July 26th

ChessBase format and PGN (zipped) Round 6
Polgar-Gelfand : WHITE WINS    TXT format
Ivanchuk-Short : DRAW    TXT format
Topalov-Kramnik : WHITE WINS    TXT format

Round 7 / July 27th

ChessBase format and PGN (zipped) Round 7
Short-Gelfand : WHITE WINS    TXT format
Kramnik-Ivanchuk : WHITE WINS    TXT format
Topalov-Polgar : WHITE WINS    TXT format

July 28th: rest day

Round 8 / July 29th

ChessBase format and PGN (zipped) Round 8
Gelfand-Kramnik : WHITE WINS    TXT format
Polgar-Short : WHITE WINS    TXT format
Ivanchuk-Topalov : WHITE WINS    TXT format

Round 9 / July 30th

ChessBase format and PGN (zipped) Round 9
Ivanchuk-Polgar : WHITE WINS    TXT format
Kramnik-Short : DRAW    TXT format
Topalov-Gelfand : DRAW    TXT format

Round 10 / July 31th

ChessBase format and PGN (zipped) Round 10
Gelfand-Ivanchuk : DRAW    TXT format
Short-Topalov : DRAW    TXT format
Polgar-Kramnik : DRAW    TXT format

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